About Me

My photo
An exciting group of Colegio Albania students who love to communicate through music, photography, videos and our blog. Welcome to our world!

Monday, September 30, 2013

Love and Friendship Day in Action

Grade 11 students were busy Friday handing out roses, cookies, and brownies for Love and Friendship Day.

 Even teachers like Love and Friendship Day!

Students having fun throughout the day:

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Happy Love and Friendship Day!

First graders wish you a happy Love and Friendship Day!!

Check out our blog in the coming days for more interviews of students talking about their friendships!

Student Council Presentations

 El martes 17 de Septiembre los candidatos lazaron sus propuestas a los profesores y estudiantes del colegio. Este año los postulados fueron:
Para presidente del consejo estudiantil: Manuela Paipilla y Tania Matos
Para personeros: Diana Sofia Henao y Jhon.F de las Salas
Para: Representante del Consejo: Julian Jiménez y Daniela Mendoza

Al finalizar hubo un micrófono abierto para un debate acerca de las propuestas planteadas.


We need your vote!

What genre of music would you like to hear Tuesdays in recess?
a. Salsa
b. Reggaeton
c. Vallenato
d. Pop
e. Other:

Do you have a specific song you would like to hear?

Do you want to make a dedication to someone?
Send your answers to: colegioalbaniarocks@gmail.com.

Necesitamos tu voto!

¿Qué género de música quisieras escuchar los Martes en recreo?a. Salsab. Reggeatonc. Vallenato d. Pope. Others: 
¿Que canciones específicamente?


Envia tu respuesta a: colegioalbaniarocks@gmail.comGracias!

Thursday, September 12, 2013

We are up and running!!

Welcome to the first post of Colegio Albania's Communication Club!

We are excited about a new year at Coalba.

This is the place to see pics of all the fun things going on around campus, send us any song requests you would like to hear on Terrific Tuesdays, and contribute any song dedications you want us to announce on those days. Just send us a comment and we will do what we can.

We hope you have a great year with us!

Planning our first broadcast.